July Update

Sadly this is a small update. I'm uploading this to stay true to my word about uploading updates at the end of every month.

  • What is New
    • Title Screen now has music.
    • Wound and Injury system.
      • Now when you run out of Energy (marked as "EN") in a fight, your Energy will refill but at a cost; you will take bonus damage, drop your guard, and receive a wound. Every wound you take decreases your maximum Energy, and can only be treated at the newly added clinics in the towns.
    • Removed the doors to building that lack a function, for now.
  • What I Plan For at the End of August
    • Expand and adjust enemy level scaling.
      • I understand that enemies can be easily out leveled, so I will definitely make adjustments
    • Adding Horde battles
      • Fighting a series of enemies, one after another without resting. Will be encountered at enemy camps. Will increase attack/ Defense  level when completed. Will definitely take advantage of the expanded and adjusted enemy level scaling. Will definitely use the Brutal Strike system* (that is in the game) and make it more useful.
        • *Brutal Strikes are a way to deal bonus damage to enemies, useful with enemies with high defense and/or high health.
    • Partner System.
      • Sadly won't be a full party system like other RPG's. Will help with rush attacks, breaking guards, and setting up brutal strikes. Will be limited to horde battles, for now.
    • Improve the look of the Brutal Strike Gauge (Those two ugly checked bars above the enemy's Hp)
      • Use a break attack when an enemy has their guard up.
    • Double check and make adjustments to the Brutal Strike mechanic.
    • The foundation for enemies to labeled as more than just "Enemy".
    • Two more zones* that each contain a town.
      • *A zone is a 6x6 screen area
    • Fix the display for Health and Energy (Get your HP to 60 and you'll see it)


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48 days ago

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